a bun in the oven and we’re over halfway there!

21 weeks, 2 days – 131 days left to go!

I have been meaning to start a blog. The sad part? I’ve been meaning to start a blog since PJ and I got married — we’ll be hitting our two-year anniversary on the 4th! Go figure!

Better late than never I suppose? In February, we found out that we are expecting our first baby! It was a little bit unexpected but we are both completely over the moon with excitement and anticipation! On the 20th of May we found out that we’re having a boy! We’re mostly concerned with a happy, healthy baby, but boy was definitely our first choice! We’re naming him Judd Egan — Judd being passed on in my husband’s family, the J in PJ is for Judd. Since Judd is grandpa too, we’ll be calling our little guy by his initials: Jet.

I’m not completely sure what this blog will encompass at the moment. I’m just glad to have the time and the determination to actually do it. I’m doing chores today — my nesting has begun! I decided to pack away all of the clothes that I won’t be able to wear any time soon so that I don’t continue to stare at them, wishing I could wear them AND I don’t keep looking at my closet thinking that I have ‘plenty to wear’ and then I have nada. So that’s on my plate for today! Off to fold!

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